Tuesday 30 October 2012

Tourtiere and Stories

 Gotta say this is a great meal for those gusty fall days. The recipe for this Tourtiere I found in the Harrowsmith Country magazine. It is excellent. The days have been so dark and wet lately. Thankfully we had been out of the storms path here in Southern Quebec. Also family in Southern Ontario did not feel much of the Storm hit either. But prayers are with those who have suffered through it.
 With this type of weather I wonder if it has been making me feel more tired? All the dark clouds that are gathered in the sky. Each time I look out the window I see within the frame a beautiful mosaic of clouds in an array of blues. As I was driving I looked up and there appeared to be levels. It made the sky look like you could drive to it and hop on a cloud to step up and climb higher and higher.
 This extra time spent indoors and feeling tired sure makes one want to curl up with a book.

All sunny skies would be too bright,
All morning hours mean too much light,
All laughing days too gay a strain;
There must be clouds, and night, and rain,
And shut-in days, to make us see
The beauty of life's tapestry

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